By Firoz.T.Totanawala
The Bangalore Metro Reporter
Anna Hazare who suddenly occupied the centre stage for his Jan Lokpal Bill at one time showed the guts to dictate terms to the government. Very recently, he had also announced that he will tour the five states where elections are on the way to canvass against the Congress party, which he believes has betrayed him by not passing the Lokpal Bill. And now, he has abandoned his anti-Congress campaign in five states. His political flop show was preceded by his ‘flop fast’ show in Mumbai. It is time, Anna team realise their limitations.
Since the launch of his movement, Anna regularly dictated terms to the parliament and insisted that Government pass his version of Jan Lokpal Bill and that too on priority. At every opportunity, he and his team attacked the Congress party so much so that his ‘India Against Corruption’ movement was perceived as India Against Congress. When the central government was to table the Lokpal Bill in the parliament in winter session, Anna announced that he will sit on fast and later start a jail Bharao program. They said that over a lakh youth, mainly educated (?) have registered for the Jail Bharao agitation. Anna’s three day fast prior to jail Bharao was to be held in Ramlila Grounds in New Delhi which was to coincide with the start of the debate in the parliament.
However, they changed the venue from Ramlila Grounds to the MMDC Ground in Mumbai giving the excuse of extreme chill weather of Delhi. But, they also announced that some members of core team will lead the fast in Delhi also. While the Mumbai Ground has to be procured on rent, the MMDC demanded Rs. 15 lakhs as ground rent and security charges. The Anna team filed a writ in the Bombay High Court against the levy of rent, but, the High Court severely castigated the Anna team and dismissed their Writ.
The High Court made unsparing remarks against Anna Team by questioning the need to sit on fast for the Lokpal Bill for which the parliament was already about to debate. The red faced Anna Team paid the ground rent and decorated the fast venue into a hi-tech platform, but there was no public support. Not even 2000 people were present on the first day of the fast and even in Delhi, less than a couple of hundred people attended.
The second day of fast witnessed even lesser public and Team Anna abruptly ended the fasting by Anna on the second day itself on health ground. Arguably, when the fast show received a poor response, their Jail Bharao movement too was expected to flop and was called off. However, Anna threatened to campaign against Congress in the five states which are going to the polls scheduled in January, February and March. Anna also threatened to campaign against Congress in 2014 parliament elections. This was a sensitive decision because if Anna visits the states to campaign against Congress, it will be seen only as a political issue and not as an issue of corruption. Anna was heavily targeted for only going behind Congress party and totally ignoring all other parties that may be more neck deep involved in corruption. Interestingly, the BJP admitted the tainted UP BSP Minister Kushwaha at the same time and Anna Team was stuck with their silence on BJP’s actions. Eventually, the scams relating to his own Team members and continuous anti Congress attacks diverted the supportive but sensitive middle class to assume some political conspiracy and subsequently there was erosion of public support.
The hard fact is that Anna has become a willing pawn in the hands of few vested interests. As Anna is illiterate and does not understand the intricacies of law and other factors in the administration, he can be easily misled. Further, Anna has lost much support base among the middle class by giving a call to the people to thrash those who drink alcohol. People are repeatedly being confused over his other than corruption stand and this is affecting his movement.
Arguably, Anna’s black mailing ‘fast’ has also been resented by the people as frequent fasts will take away the importance of the ‘Fast’ itself. It is another matter that Anna Team is advised to float a political party and fight the elections, but that is easier said than done. And Kejrival himself has admitted that the Team has no money or capacity to do likewise. They have also admitted that they will not be canvassing against the Congress party in the coming elections and focus only on corruption issue. But, it will take some time for people to believe and support the anti corruption movement wholeheartedly again.
That is all.